Education Research Grant 2025

This is a preview of the Education Research Grant 2025: Expression of Interest form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Information for applicants

* indicates a required field.

Please note:

The RACGP is pleased to call for expressions of interest (EOI) to apply for the 2025 Education Research Grant (ERG) opportunities. Submission of an EOI is a required step to be eligible for an ERG. Only successful EOI submissions will be invited to submit a formal full application.

Before completing this application form, you should have read the Education Research Grant 2025 Guide  which is available here

It is crucial that you read the Eligibility and Selection criteria and instructions to ensure a high quality submission. 

Incomplete applications and/or applications received after the closing date will not be accepted. Access to the form is automatically blocked at the deadline.

If you have any questions regarding the eligibility criteria, please email the RACGP Education Research team at

Application closing date

Friday 31 May 2024 at 11.59pm AEST.

Grant funding dates and amount

There are up to 8 (eight) $150,000 grants available for a 12-month project.

The Education Research Grants 2025 funded period will commence on 1 January 2025.

Privacy statement

I agree to provide the following information to the RACGP for the purposes of verifying my application's eligibility for an Education Research Grant - 2025 application round. * Required

Some of the information you provide The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) on this form (such as your name) is personal information. The information you provide on this and subsequent is used by the RACGP in the administration of your application for an ERG. Your application cannot be processed without the information. As part of the routine process of delivering this grant program, the information you provide may be disclosed to relevant third parties, such as venues or other participating Research Teams. To view our privacy statement, click here.

If you do not consent to the RACGP collecting, using and disclosing your information for these purposes, the RACGP may not be able to assess your application for an Education Research Grant and your application may be deemed unsuccessful. 

Applicant and authorised representative

I confirm that I have read and understand the Education Research Grant 2025 Guide and I am authorised to submit this application on behalf of the research team * Required